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Poems on Walls

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Happy Easter Holidays

Posted by Dj priesty On April - 22 - 2011

Hey Fam,
Happy Holidays much love

A passionate prayer
A traitorous arrest
A trumped up charge
A false trial
Lying witnesses
A denying disciple
Washed hands
Unrighteous remorse
A Place called Skull
A remote crossroads of the world
Between two thieves
Sneering rulers
Scoffing bystanders
Abusive soldiers
Insensitive crucifiers
A repentant robber
A new mother and her new son
Weeping women
A worshipping Centurion
Three hours of darkness
The earth shakes
Some living dead
A criminal’s cross
A sealed stone

Salvation? How can the salvation of all mankind happen in this way? In this ignominious, inglorious way? How can this be? That all of the sins of all who have ever lived or are living or will live are paid for on a criminal’s cross? Aren’t criminals most in need of forgiveness? Can criminals even be forgiven? How can a Man who hung on a criminal’s cross pay for all the sin of all people?

And in Jerusalem of allĀ  places. Why not Rome, the political capital of the world? Or Athens, the cultural capital of the world? Or Alexandria, the educational capital of the world? Or Ephesus, one of the economic capitals of the world? Or Corinth, certainly one of the sin capitals of the world? Yes, that’s it, why wasn’t sin paid for in one of the greatest sin centers of history?

It just doesn’t make sense. How can this Friday be Good? And how could salvation happen in this way?

No blaring trumpets, no glorious angels, no parades of power and purity, just another Friday crucifixion in the ancient Roman empire. Amazing. Excruciatingly painful, but almost ho-hum for the Roman soldiers. Just one more criminal to throw on the trash heap of history and off we go for a few drinks and a good time of gaming.

Yet salvation did come this way. Yes, it did!
Jesus died for you and me….. CHOOSE HIM CHOOSE LIFE
Matthew 28:6

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