Sex and the Church
Humans are made for relationship. Just as God is inherently relational, we are created in His image and likeness to live in community with Him and others. Both male and female are essential to God’s earthly plan, for at creation He said it was “not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). Our God-given purpose is tied to our unique biological sex.
At a human level, the unity and diversity between the sexes find their deepest expression in marriage, which is intended to model the same sort of holy, exclusive, permanent and life-giving intimacy that will one day characterize the union of Christ with His bride
Sex was created by God and given to human beings as a gift, and through that we could extend the work of procreation and filling the earth. The only thing is that he set a rule that many of us are ignorant of or hate to hear; that it is meant for two people male and female, husband and wife and he modelled that by creating Adam and eve not Adam and Steve or Eve and Jane.
Sex is the way also through which a man is joined to a woman in an intimate way just as God wants us to be joined to him in an intimate way.
There are false notions about sexuality perpetuated by our culture (i.e., that extra-marital sexual activity is “good” and “normal,” etc.). As Christians, we believe in Christ’s lordship over all of life, including our bodies and sexual expression. Our responsibility is to learn about God’s plan for the two sexes, and then, rather than merely avoiding immorality, live out our sexuality in ways that honour both God and our fellow human beings. Whether married or single, biblically appropriate sexual expression requires discipline and a commitment to pursuing a life of virtue. Sex is a gift from God, but not a gift to do with as we please. We must exercise biblical stewardship over the gift of our sexuality.
God has given us sex as a gift for three main reasons though there are many other but i seek to mention three:
Procreation (Genesis 1:28; Malachi 2:15): It is God’s good plan, hence normative, for husband and wife to bear children. He has commanded us to be fruitful and multiply. Scripture declares that children are a blessing from His hand. By design, sex, conception and childbirth are intrinsically linked.
Union (Genesis 2:18; Matthew 19:4-6): It is God’s good plan for sex to unite and bond spouses in a unique and sacred way. Scripture tells us that the one-flesh union between husband and wife in marriage symbolizes Jesus’ unity with His bride, the Church.
Mutual delight (Song of Solomon 5:16; Proverbs 5:18-19): It is God’s good plan that sex be generously shared between spouses for their mutual benefit. Husbands and wives must not let their sexual relationship be informed or guided by worldly standards, but by Scripture—always seeking the good of the other and being united in faithfulness to one another. Sex must never be used to oppress, take advantage of or wrong another person. It is meant to be enjoyed by both husband and wife.
IT IS POSSIBLE TO ABUSE SEX and this happens when it is done by the wrong people, at the wrong timing and mostly for the wrong reasons. When sex is abused it is a sin and a detestable sin for that matter, it has serious repercussions or impact on a Christian life and even in general life spirituality aside.
Human beings have flesh and a spirit, and sex is both a physical and spiritual thing, the flesh takes the biggest part in it as it starts from thinking about it, desiring it, emotions then are invoked and the body responds accordingly but when it starts to happen now there is more than physical attachment but as well the spirits are joined in something we call A SPIRITUAL TIE.
So if your spirit is joined to someone when you have intercourse, you end up having a very confused kind of a spirit as it is contaminated by all the people you go to bed with.
I will continue from there tomorrow as we talk about
Often our current relationships or marriage suffer, because we are still caught up in our past both emotionally and spiritually. By spiritually I mean unhealthy sexual soul ties. Sexual soul ties often have us caught in a cycle of dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships.
Well, it’s time to shed more light on this common issue.
So what is a soul tie? A soul tie is two souls tied together by the spirit. Mainly caused by sex or sexual abuse.
What does the Bible say about soul ties?
The Bible does not directly use the term “soul tie”, but it does say the following in Ephesians 5:31,” For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.” Here we learn that the connecting of souls was created for husband and wife. OK, now let’s look at the Old Testament. In Genesis 2:24, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.” Guess what? Jesus repeats the scripture over again in Mark 10:7, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.”
This leads to my next point. In the eyes of God “the act of sex is marriage through consummation.” Every single time an unmarried person has sex they become married to that person. For example if someone has had twenty-five sex partners, they have probably been exposed to hundreds of other souls. If the other person had more than one partner, then you are also exposed to all their partners as well. In simple terms, you have sex with everyone they have had sex with. So as one can easily see this makes having a truly loving, intimate, and close union very difficult.
In Biblical times there was no wedding in the way it is viewed today, so becoming one flesh was marriage. Even today if a couple seeks a divorce in some states the judge will ask “Has this marriage been consummated?” Consummation means in legal terms to complete a marriage by sexual intercourse.
What other ways can soul ties form?
Soul ties are mainly formed through sexual intercourse, but they can also form emotionally. Please understand sex outside of marriage rips and tears the soul when one tries to break away. Remember you are joined as one, so when you break away it hurts you. What is left are the emotional scars. In my own life I have seen words even become a source of a soul tie. When people say, “I will love you forever” or “I got your back no matter what” you tend to hold on to those words when you have a soul tie because a co-dependency has been created.
Sexual abuse is another way soul ties can be formed. When someone has been sexually abused as a child and becomes an adult the soul tie can greatly affect their relationship. In my next blog I will explore how to break sexual soul ties.
Unhealthy relationships are another cause of soul ties. We can define these relationships as physically or emotionally abusive, manipulative, victim mentality and high levels of sexual lust. I personally believe soul ties are one of the main reasons women or men have a difficult time leaving emotional and abusive relationships. Join me next week as I discuss tips to overcome soul ties.
Head 2 Head Dance Battle
Platinum Dance group were the overall Head 2 Head dance batlle in Kenya in the year 2015, December 18th
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