Haiti: Where was God?
A Response to Sin and Suffering
Whenever traumatic earth shattering events occur the human response is always â??Where is God?â? â??Why did God let this happen?â? â??How can God love us but let us die?â? â??Why my family?â? â??If God is real why did God let this happen?â? So many valid questions run through the minds of those searching for answers. We have often separated God from suffering. We imagine that God is standing off on the side simply looking at those who are suffering. As though God is detached from our suffering.
The Israelites endured so much suffering while in Egypt. It was God who initiated the contact with them. He said, â??I have surely seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and have given heed to their cry because of their taskmasters, for I am aware of their sufferingsâ?. God is fully aware of our suffering. He sees our suffering and desires to set us free from it. Freedom is not always being removed from the hurt and wounds. God did not create suffering however God uses suffering to deepen our relationship with Him. Where was God when the earthquake hit in Haiti? RIGHT THERE! Hearing the screams of the people. Weeping that so many people died at the hand of nature and poor building structures. Quickening saints around the world to pray. Hurting, angered, desiring to love and hold the people He created. Storing up the tears dropped.
God created a perfect world. However ; sinful man broke relationship with a perfect God removing the beauty of that perfect world. Thousands of years later we experience things like droughts, earthquakes and tsunamiâ??s. However, during this time I encourage us all to allow God to use us to help others in their suffering. Encourage the people of Haiti that there is a loving God who was and is with them. That God didnâ??t make this happen but that God was there while it was happening. That now is not the time to shrink back. (Hebrews 10:34-39). That the things lost can not compare to Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:8) That they are able to rebuild where nature has destroyed. That God is faithful to comfort the afflicted and needy. (2 Cor 1:3-4)
Let the people of Haiti know there is COMFORT in CHRIST JESUS. He is more than all that was lost! He has a response to their/our sin and suffering! We donâ??t know why what happened happened. But it did. It was not Haitiâ??s sin that caused this but the sins of humankind when we separated from God. Now is the time to master that sin by showing the love of Christ through helping our fellow citizens of this world. When they ask where is God? Let us say right here helping you over come this tragedy! Provoke change through ACTION (time, talent, treasure, prayer). May God change the hearts of those affected that they may enter the Kingdom of Heaven through this tragedy. (Matthew 5:3-11)
Head 2 Head Dance Battle
Platinum Dance group were the overall Head 2 Head dance batlle in Kenya in the year 2015, December 18th
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